Swapit Token swap is now live!

Team Swapit
2 min readJun 22, 2021

The procedure for the Swapit token swap is given below:

  1. Go to swapit.finance
  2. Click on “Go to app”.
  3. You will be re-directed to this page — https://app.swapit.finance/.
  4. Log into Metamask, and go to the Ethereum Mainnet.
  5. Click on “Swapit Token Swap”.
  6. Ensure WAND tokens are on the Metamask address that is connected.
  7. Connect your Metamask. This only establishes the connection with Metamask.
  8. Then read the T&C Below.
  9. Click on Submit.

This records your address, and we will see how many WAND are present on this address. Do not transfer or trade the WAND after this. Before transferring the Swapit tokens to this address on BSC, we first determine if the WAND is present in the address. If WAND is not present, then Swapit tokens will not be sent.If so, then the Swapit tokens are transferred.

Swapit tokens are on BSC, and can be viewed in BSC after changing the blockchain to BSC on Metamask.

Go to Swapit.finance and click on “Go to app”.
Connect your Metamask to Ethereum mainnet. Ensure WAND tokens are on the Metamask address. Read the T&C. Click on Submit.
Once submitted, the address will be recorded.

